firstly i would like to apologize for
the lack of participation in class today. The past week has been tough and i
didnt manage to get alot of rest. so alot of enerygy was spent trying to keep
myself awake in class. =x
but despite that, i would still say that
the class was still quite interesting (thankfully) and the presentations were
all well presented.
So as usual, the class started out with a video
which illustrated humans to be a disease that our Mother Earth contracted.
truthfully, i do agree with the video that
humans are harming the Earth at an exponential rate. even though there are
groups which are trying to save the Earth. Despite that, people still do not
understand the importance of being environmental friendly or going green. Even
Obama views economic values more then going green. the better conditions we
live in, the worse our Earth would become. =(
Another interesting topic which we talk about in
class would be with regards to spider silk and spider textile.
I heard about something like this before, but i
never knew it came from spiders. It is really fascinating to know
that the strength of such silks can be comparable to high-grade steel. It
is quite hard to image a spider can be able to produce such powerful and strong
silk, looking at the size of the spider.
In class, Prof mentioned about the conversation
he had with his friend. “if you have all the resources in the world, what would
u invest it in?”
The first thing that came to my mind was
environment. If we were to neglect the environment or harm the environment
further, nothing can save our Earth anymore. But when the prof mention about
his friend’s answer, which was to educate women, I could not help but agree
too. A woman is the center of the family. They are the ones that hold the
family together and they are the ones that educate their kids.
We then went on to talk about the different
kinds of biotechnology, namely blue, red, green, white biotech. I found this relatively
interesting as how the different biotechs are classified by colors.
Red biotech -> medical purpose
White biotech -> industrial application
Blue biotech -> aquatic uses
Green biotech -> agriculture and
environmental uses
Moving on to the presentations for the day,
personally I like sheryl’s presentation on lab grown meat and Terrance’s GMO
With regards to lab grown meat, there were
different views with regards to whether we can accept lab-grown meat or not. On
a personal note, I can accept lab-grown
meat. As mentioned by Huiying with regards to the experiment, it is hard to
differentiate between lab grown meat and normal meat (without them knowing
which is the lab grown and which is the normal). Thus this shows that it is
actually a psychology barrier for people to accept lab grown meat. So one
solution to this would be advertisement. If got marketing is done to market lab
grown meat, emphasizing on the benefits of lab grown meat as compared to normal
meat, I believe that people will be able to accept lab grown meat in the
Another interesting presentation for the day is leonard’s
presentation on vertical farming. Like what he mentioned, Singapore is also
starting to apply this technique. I feel that such technology would be
extremely beneficial to a small country like Singapore as we have a growing
population but not a growing landscape.
(p.s singapore’s population is now 5.18mil)
Overall I find the class quite interesting
(though im not a big fan of agriculture). I feel that it would be even more
enriching if there were more variety in the presentation topics. I would rate
the class 7/10 and I look forward to recess week! YAY!
Till next time!
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