Thursday, 8 September 2011

Week 4: Drivers of Change/ Change Management and Change Leadership

Today's lesson was an interesting yet nerve-wrecking one. Cus i was due for my individual oral presentation. and....
*heaves a sigh of relief*


I would say that i was really nervous for presentation as it has been really long since the last time I did an individual presentation. Despite that, it felt really great and i'm quite happy with my own performance!
Just to refresh your memory, my presentation is pertaining to change management and change leadership and my article is "The Burning Platform: How companies are managing change in a recession".

This article widen my understanding on what are the different approaches companies take to bring about change and which course of actions has the highest impact and highest difficulty.
As what i have written for issues for discussion, it was mentioned that winning over the hearts and minds of the employees was the most important factor for successfully implementing change initiatives, even though the % for  "winning over the hearts and minds of employees" and "keeping to time and budget" was the same, at 33% each. However, as what the article mentioned (and what more then half of the class agreed upon), i too feel that  winning over the hearts and minds of the employees is the most challenging and important factor  to push for change. If the employees do not agree to the change initiative, nothing can move them, and even if they move, they would be reluctant to do so. And eventually, the change initiative would fail.

so here's the link to my article:
okay, so back to my reflections on today's class.
The main topic for today was the "drivers of world change" and "change management and change leadership"

One interesting discussion was on how to proactively managing change. I particularly like Prof's analogy of a relationship to describe this model which made it really simple to understand (and humorous too!)

moving on to the presentations for the day. I am really impressed the presentations on tuesdays, Kenneth's presentation in particular. His presentation was on "No Nukes, No Problems" and i like how he make use of different analogies to give us a better understanding of the topic. Yaozong's presentation was on "Why Apple beats Microsoft in change management" and i would say that his presentation was really easy to follow as he optimise his usage of visual aids, making his presentation interesting and effective.

I would rate the class 10/10 as i found the class to be very interesting and i really learnt a lot from the class. be in from the presentation or from prof. Even the video on "Who moved my cheese" was enriching. =)
i look forward to the next class as we go in depth into the different topics and that's all folks!

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